Aug 13, 2011

Ranting #1

(Long post deserves a cute Kagura cosplay pic.)

Okay, so today I worked a bit on episode 151. And thought to my self, "Hey let's check the site and see if anyone has commented and reported any huge fuck up with the release." and so I did. To my amazement, no one had. But then I looked at the chat box and saw this:

tech: just so you know...using cr's script is basically pointless...the reason people are wating for rumbel is cause the tl is much better then crappy cr
tech: you might wanna see if you can get a couple of dedicated tls to help you on the scripts

Now please, I hope you, "tech", won't get mad for me using you in my post. But I think this is a legit concern, and I wanted to address it. First off, I haven't taken any Japanese lessons in school or in any other way. My knowledge of the Japanese language only goes so far as knowing some words, and the few phrases that I've picked up while watching anime. And that means I know jack sh*t (shit was censored for comedic value). And I don't really know any "tls" (short for translators), so how am I going to solve this problem? Well, I decided to compare a Rumbel script to a CR script. I had just re-watched episode 93, so I thought that was as good as any episode.

And 200 lines into the script...

Well, too be honest. There weren't that many differences. Most of it was only editing choices. But yeah, 4 or 5 lines "out of 200" were what you call translation fuck-ups. But then again, I can only say that because those lines didn't match the Rumbel lines a 100%. But I want you to keep this in mind, the Rumbel staff are only human. They can make mistakes too. Don't get me wrong, I love Rumbel as much as the next leecher. What I'm trying to say is this. 1; From what I could see, the CR script dosn't differ that much from the Rumbel script. 2; Don't listen to people at sites like anidb or myanimelist, I like those sites and I use them myself but anyone with an opinion can make it heard. How well informed that opinion may or may not be on the fansub vs. CR issue...

God this was a long post/rant. I hope it didn't make your eyes bleed, I didn't intend it to be this long I just got carried away. And just like I said not to listen to people at some certain sites, don't listen to me. Here are the scripts : Rumbel - CR . Take 10 min out of your busy time and look it over for yourself and make an opinion based on that. For that is the one that really matters, yours! And with that word of wisdom, I bid you farewell.


  1. Less Talking, Faster Releasing!

    It's already been 3 days, waiting! ;)

    My English is not that good, that I would care in any way for translation. As of for my case - if they styling changes in any way, I will delete it and wait for Rumbel again, I watched crunchycrunchy anyway and only download for archive.

  2. I don't know how people who's English is as bad as that can go and comment on the quality of a release. How do they even understand what's going on when the dialog is important!
    When the English is bad I have to pause at every bad line to make out what they were try to say.
    When the translation is bad then the plot or jokes go down the drain and so does the enjoyment of the series.
    My first language is English so when their English is bad I think I can tell. But when it comes to Japanese I've only studied the language for a year. With this much knowledge and having watched quite a few CR releases I think CR lack consistency in every aspect, even if it is for the same series!

  3. Wow, another "Waiting for Nothing"-Gintama-Fansub ....

    Where's the Rebellion?

  4. In relation to the translation, if you need help I can edit some of the CR's lines to a more literal meaning. I mean, I have 5 yars of Japanese, it isn't much but it's enough to make some lines better (at least those I can understand).

  5. @August 19
    "I think CR lack consistency in every aspect, even if it is for the same series!"
    That certainly makes sense, since CR is made up of a billion and one different translation teams. Occasionally, for the longer series, you'll see those teams get swapped out and replaced with another. One particular team that was working on it, the same one that worked on the episode that Shishi-san compared, WERE almost as good as Rumbel and had a very similar way of doing things. They changed the team somewhere around the 140 mark and the quality of the translation dropped pretty hard. I think they may have brought that team back for the new season, though.
