Oct 31, 2011

State of affairs

Happy Halloween from Jouishishi!

Well I figured its about time I made a status update for you all. The reason that you've seen no releases from Jouishishi is because I got hit by a nasty flue. For over a week I could not get out of my bed or even get on the computer. As sad as that is I know that its not really any of your problems but it kinda hindered me from working on Gintama. "Well why ain't you working on it now?" You might be asking, well here's the really fun part. Once I got over the flue I got hit with an ear infection... I shit you not... So yeah, I'm kinda hoping this will be over soon because I myself want to get back and work on Gintama. The doctor gave me some hardcore meeds so I think this should be over in a week. Well, I suppose thats all there is to say for now.

Ps. Just to make this clear, how active or inactive Rumbel is have no bearing on if Gintama gets dropped, wouldn't be much of a rebellion if I just rolled over because the "man" was making some noise. Shishi-san out!


  1. Ohhhh.. Thank you very very very very much for the update.

    Get well soooooooooon.

  2. Please get well faster~

  3. Damn that guy's right. This is the shortest rebellion evar!

  4. Just move on people... I just went and watched all of it with HorribleSubs, and to be completely honest, their subs are not horrible at all. At least not for Gintama anyway.

    Gintama subbers just disappoint you, HorribleSubs did a great job on it, and now I can finally say I've FINALLY finished the first series of Gintama (after 4 or 5 years since starting it!).

  5. oh oh i hope you didnt die... if not pls finish yakumo xD

  6. Come back and finish Yakumo dvds
